Tuesday, April 04, 2006

SUNDAY, MARCH 26 - James' 34th bday

The next morning, we had a pretty awful breakfast -- was that orange juice really Tang? Molly and Sally were slow to rise, so they got some food for the road and we loaded into Everil's massive van. Oh, but first James and I searched the town for beach towels. It seemed like nothing was open, which I suppose was because it was Sunday morning, and all the stores had been open late on Saturday. Guess we should've gotten our shopping done then. We got some very colorful touristy beach towels for $10 a piece - kinda pricey, but oh well.

Everil's van, it turned out, ran on propane. Interesting. He had converted it himself. The road to the creek was very rough... very rough. At the end we forded a stream, and Everil joked that we had to get out and walk across in case the van got swept away. We all sort of believed him, Molly most of all -- I think he realized early on that she was pretty gullible, so he continued to tease her with these sorts of things all day.

We arrived at the Barton Creek outpost. There was a group of hispanic-looking people getting ready to head out, so we had a bit of time to kill. We hung out on the porch (the whole building was basically a porch surrounding a kitchen) and in the hammocks on the river bank.

More next time, I'm jet-lagged and sleepy and it's time for bed. :-)