Tuesday, April 04, 2006


So, I decided I really wanted to remember this trip for the rest of my life, given the major life-change that has resulted, so I'm going to write it all down.

The trip began on Friday, March 24th. We were originally going to fly on the red-eye to Atlanta, but James & Molly's Uncle Jerry (who got us the buddy passes, he used to be a Delta pilot, and is now retired) suggested we take the Friday afternoon flight instead, the odds were better that we'd get a seat. We were flying stand-by, after all. Work was crazy that morning, but not as crazy as I thought it would be -- Kevin and I thought that we would be meeting with Harry to show him the rough-cut of the Antitrust doc, but it turned out that he was out of town (David should've let us know, but he was on a shoot Weds & Thurs and didn't call and let us know). Anyway, I managed to clean up my desk and get most things wrapped up nicely for my vacation, which is a nice way to start. Jessie (intern/assistant) gave me a ride to the airport in Kevin's car, where I met up with James and Molly, who had taken BART. When we got to the airport, however, we found out that our flight had been delayed by about two hours.

We checked our bags and headed to TGI Fridays for lunch. Molly was upset/excited by the news that her roommate Karen would be moving out. Karen and Molly had been having issues. Molly was thinking it'd be cool if she could move into Karen's room, as her room on the street was noisy and didn't have a closet. I encouraged her to make her desires known to Kelly, the third roomie and holder of the lease. After lunch, while waiting for the plane to arrive, Molly gave Kelly a call. Kelly apparently freaked out, and Molly was soon begging her to let her get off the phone -- saying, "I get it, I get it, please... No, I understand, I get it, I get it.... OK, OK, I'm freaking out here waiting for the plane that I'm not even sure if we'll get on... please, I have to go...." And so on. Wow, what an ordeal. (Ed. note - Molly decided when she got home to give Kelly notice, as well -- she's moving out the beg. of April. Just not worth the craziness, difficult parking and the street noise, she's going to try to find someplace cheaper).

So, finally, we were on our way. We got into Atlanta close to midnight. Sally was waiting -- her flight from LA had gotten in about an hour earlier. Molly and Sally were originally planning on going out with some friends of Molly's, but because of the delay they decided to cancel and head to James & Molly's mom's house with us instead. Their dad, Jim, had come to the airport to pick us up. Jim and Fran divorced about 5 or 6 years ago, and have only recently started getting along again, apparently thanks to their #1 (and only) grandson, Zack. Jim drove us to Fran's, going about 45 mph at times when he inadvertantly got stuck behind a slow driver -- he's one of those drivers that gets in one lane and stays there. After chatting for a bit with the 'rents, we headed to bed.